Friday, 20 June 2014

OFFICIAL > CV Domain Transfer Complete!

Culture Vulture Zine can today confirm that a deal to switch domain from to is now official.

All Nick’s future blogging activities will be housed at CV’s new digital home right here on the page you’re surfing.

The deal has become the biggest football blog domain transfer in world history in a saga that has dragged on through the global media for over five days.

Speaking at a hastily arranged press conference (see above pic) regarding the move Nick has reassured readers that the CV blogger is keen to get started for the new 2014/15 football season: 

‘It’s going to be the same content except on a new URL. We have taken the readers feedback survey from the end of last season very seriously with our team of data analysts and the results will be taken into account for the forthcoming season. It's going to be rad.' 

CV blog agent Gavin Johnson was relieved to have concluded a complex transfer deal and is, like Nick, looking forward to a bright future for the blog & CV in general: 

‘Yeah, we’re pleased the late night conference calls are over and I’d like to thank the Blogger representatives for their cooperation and diligence.  I would also like to thank them for my new private jet and all the free champagne whilst in Brazil. Cheers lads’

Stay tuned for the first CV blog entry of the new season next week right here.  

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Breaking > CV Arrive For Medical Ahead of Transfer!

Culture Vulture Zine blog writer @nickjonesrox has today arrived for his medical via private helicopter ahead of completing a sensational transfer to a brand new online domain at

The Culture Vulture Zine blog is expected to be posted live here for the new 2014/15 football season. 

The exact detail of the content of a medical examination for a blogger is as yet unknown.

Looking smoother than a naked mud wrestler, on arrival Nick felt confident ahead of the medical stating ‘My typing fingers feel fine’. 

He was holding a Mai Tai with a tiny umbrella in at the time.  

After meeting a buy-out clause for the Culture Vulture Zine blog a representative of the new CV blog home of stated: ‘We’re delighted to sign one the weirdest football blogs of recent times’ and 'This is a major coup for us to attract this type of blog'. 

A press conference is rumoured to have been pencilled in for Friday where the signing of Culture Vulture Zine and the new domain are said to be revealed to the world.

Stay tuned... 

Breaking News: CV Blog Agent Confirms Medical!

It appears Culture Vulture Zine’s transfer to is imminent. 

In the latest development to the biggest blog based move of the summer transfer window CV agent Gavin Johnson today gave an exclusive interview live from the window of his enormous and expensive 4x4 fresh after returning from negotiations with representatives in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

A buzzing Johnson revealed to a swarm of media that late bids have emerged in the last 24 hours from the likes of Wordpress and even a new bumper contract offer from current hosts The saga looks to be concluding in the coming week with a medical being booked for the weekend before the official signing.

CV blogger Nick has kept his silence on the move in the Welsh suburbs but sources close to the deal say he is delighted to be leaving iWeb after falling out privately with the software and he's looking forward to blogging at a new home next season. 

More to follow.  

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

CV Blog Transfer to Latest!

As the football (blog domain) transfer of the summer simmers away, Images have leaked on Twitter this week confirming that the father of CV blogger Nick Jones (@nickjonesrox) has been partying with representatives of and the glitterati of the Brazilian social scene (above pic) at the World Cup. 

The global football media have also began picking up on the story:  

Negotiations over the signing are now said to be reaching a 'critical' stage and Culture Vulture Zine blog agent Gavin Johnson (pictured below during an appearance as a pundit on Brazilian TV this week) has told sources he is hopeful the deal will soon be at a stage where a medical can be scheduled for Nick at Blogger HQ.

More to follow... 

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Latest > Culture Vulture Zine Blog Transfer to 'On-Going' says agent

Today, live on Sky Sports News, Gavin Johnson the agent of Culture Vulture Zine blogger Nick Jones has confirmed that negotiations are underway to transfer CV to a new domain and blog format.

It is understood that is the likely destination for Nick’s blogging for the new 2014/15 football season. 

A URL has also appeared online: 

In a revealing interview for Sky, a very well dressed Johnson (32, from Beddau) informed the media that Nick is concentrating on watching the World Cup in the Welsh suburbs at the moment but is keen to conclude the transfer officially in the coming weeks.

The transfer fee at this stage remains undisclosed but a reliable source of a cousin of Stavros the cat who lives with Gavin Johnson has revealed via Twitter that it’s said to become the biggest blog domain transfer in history.

This news comes as a huge blow to CV current web hosts and the iWeb platform which Nick has used since 2010 after a well-documented successful spell with Wordpress.  

Negotiations between Blogger and CV representatives continue today at an exclusive pool party in downtown Sao Paulo. Guests are said to include Jay Z and wife Beyonce, the 1990 Argentina World Cup squad and Nick’s farther who has been flown in by private jet.  

More to follow.   

Monday, 16 June 2014


CV can today confirm talks are in a preliminary stage with regarding a sensational blog format transfer for the forthcoming 2014/2015 football (blogging) season. 

Talks are said to be underway between Nick's agent and Blogger representatives in a 6 star Sao Paulo hotel.

A deal is expected to be completed prior to the blog transfer window deadline and Cardiff City's first game of the season on 9th August 2014.

Nick is stalling on a new deal at current CV blog hosters and it's being reported in the South American press that his head has been turned by the user friendly facilities.

More to follow...